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Current Affairs for the date of 14 September 2023

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    Current Affairs Wala


The hindu analysis for the day of 14 September 2023 for the UPSC CSE WBPCS preparation.



  • On September 2 Indian Space Research organization launched Aditya 11 satellite which is its first mission to explore the sun.

  • The prescript will be boosted towards langrange point L1, a strategic location in space which is about 1.5 million km from the Earth.

  • The spacecraft will continuously observe and monitor the sun and the changing environment which affect the atmosphere of the universe and earth.
  • Energy generated by nuclear fusion at the sun’s core temperature is around 15 million degrees celsius.

  • Temperature falls from the center to the outwards.

  • In the cold the temperature is so high that atoms are broken up into negatively charged electrons and positive recharge ions. This particular state is known as plasma.

  • Below the sun surface there lies a convection zone where the plasma rises and radiates energy as sunlight reaches the surface.
  • Right that derives from the Sun is the source of life and living of the entire solar system earth and its atmosphere.
  • The electric current is created due to the motion of plasma within the sun which creates a magnetic field.
  • The outermost layer of the sun is known as the corona.

  • Sun's surface of the photosphere is only about 6000 degrees Celsius hot but the temperature in the sun’s core is a million degrees.

  • The hot magnetic core of the sun is responsible for the supersonic out flow of plasma that goes to all planets in the solar system and forms background space weather.


  • Severe space weather can give rise to Geometric storms and create Aurora.

  • On the other hand it may cause Power grid failures in high altitude regions desert communication GPS navigation and network affect Air traffic and jam radar signals.

  • They can harm sensitive electronics of satellites and sometimes participate in catastrophic orbital tick hits in the loss of starlink satellites in 2022.

  • Issues Aditya album mission will explore how magnetic fields results and variation in the sun's ultraviolet radiation which play a crucial role in governing the arts atmosphere and climate change.
  • It will also observe the flow of energy from the sun's atmosphere to outer space.
  • By analyzing the X-ray radiation it will seek to understand how violent solar storms are born.


  • Ian Wilmut, is known as the Pioneer for cloning.
  • He set off a global discussion about the ethics of cloning when he announced that his team at the University'sRoslin institute for animal biosciences head cloned alarm using A nucleus of a cell from an adult.

  • Initially this land was referred to as 6LL3.
  • In the academic paper describing the work the lamp was named dolly after singer Dolly Parto.